Ahhh yes, it's that time of year again when gyms fill up and the world goes back to what it was doing before the holidays. Personally, this past Christmas was one of the most stressful in memory. The cause was related to managing 7 adult bodies and personalities my own included. The final head count was: 7 adults, 2 dogs, and 2 small kids in just 2,200 square feet. Luckily, I have some slivers of moments to which I can cling tenaciously (if need be.) Moments like when my son realized that Santa had arrived and the fun we had hiding a stuffed Elf all over the house for a month. It is truly magical to screw with a five and two-year old's minds.
I am working hard to get my head back into the game. The parenting game, the writing game and the work game. Hell, my blog even took a booster seat in the back. I compare this "swimming up stream" feeling to a situation that took place when I first entered the corporate world. I was working for a company called, PMSI (a story for another day.) and one lady decided to get everyone going on the "Vegetable Soup Diet." For those of you that don't remember this fad, it involved cooking a week's worth of nasty veggie soup and consuming this swill two times a day for two weeks. Can you guess that came next? I bet my IBS folks can. The womens restroom remained stalled out at all hours of the day. Toilets overflowed, and a foul smell that would make even a forensic scientist wretch filled the carpeted hallways. I worked in the call center taking orders from Workers' Comp patients anxious to get their Darvocet and Stadol delivered to their doors. Because I did not subscribe to this diet, I was certainly not going to suffer in the smell.
The pain and distraction from holding my urine proved to be too great and I developed a nasty UTI. I haven't had one this bad or since. The point of this story was to illustrate how hanging on to slivers of good or bad memories relieve tension and can make you laugh your ass off. Which is what I needed just then.
Happy New Years Peeps!
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